Thursday, February 11, 2010

Into the Rabbit Hole. "The Sold their Souls for Rock & Roll" -- Exposés of the Damned and Dangerous at "Good Fight Ministries."

Worried that demonic forces in the entertainment industry are leading you and your children straight to hell?  Visit Good Fight Ministeries and confirm your suspicions.  Because they are.

Tori Amos: "Tori is a very confused young lady who is leading her many fans into eternal perdition. Tori rejects Christ who shed his precious blood to redeem her from her filth. ... We need to stay away from Tori's music and pray for her soul and that God would grant her repentance."

 Elton John: "Like so many artists who have sold their souls for rock and roll, Elton John has been immersed in Satanism. ... Many artists like Elton John and Bernie Taupin recognize the devils [sic] hand in their success and realize that their fans do not have a clue that much of their inspiration is the result of demonic beings that use them as puppets to deceive the public. ...  Elton John has led millions of people into further accepting Satan’s plan to confuse human sexuality and do away with the Judeo Christian ethic. While he has enjoyed much worldly success as a result of his Satanism he has been left a miserable shell of a person spiritually."

Spice Girls:  "The Spice Girls also promote a fair amount of feminist propaganda in some of their music. ... In their so-called quest for liberation, they have plunged themselves even deeper into bondage and slavery as they have identified with Eve in her rebellion against God and alliance with Satan … Parents who allow their children to listen to music which glorifies rebellion and stimulates the already racing hormones of adolescence are guilty of pouring gasoline on a destructive fire that is already raging within the bosom of many of our young people. ... We all have fallen short, and if you are reading this and have fallen short in allowing your children to swallow the candy coded poison of the Spice Girls or other ungodly music, you simply need to acknowledge this and seek God in prayer." 

Fiona Apple: "Fiona Apple echoes the Satanic axiom of Aleister Crowley's New Satanic Age when she says that her philosophy on life is: 'Do what you want. You can't f--k it up.' ... Pray that the Lord would rescue Fiona Apple from the deep hopelessness and despair that accompanies her music, interviews, and her life in general and that she would find the Blessed Hope of Jesus Christ and the eternal joy that comes from knowing Him. Pray also that those who are under her influence would be rescued as well."

Kurt Cobain: "Cobain’s worship of Satan manifested itself in a multiplicity of ways. Cobain sported a statue of Mary, the mother of Jesus, 'with its head cut off'.   Cobain, like other Satanists, also had a penchant for the desecration of churches. ... Cobain himself admitted, 'I’m definitely gay in spirit' , as well as 'I probably could be bisexual,' and admitted to a close friend that 'he’d had sex with three or four men'. ... Many would view it as a sad irony that the leader of a band called Nirvana would end his life with a horrific suicide.  Nirvana is the Hindu name for heaven. It is a counterfeit heaven designed to bind people to the millions of Hindu demon gods which are worshipped in India to this very day. Cobain and his music had its share of eastern influences. From beguiling eastern melodies to Cobain’s references in interviews to karma, reincarnation, etc. Even as these illusionary concepts have cursed India and zapped the very life out of hundreds of millions of Hindus through the centuries, Cobain, like so many of the rock “stars” before him, continued to introduce these concepts to the Western world. Truly, there is no irony. Cobain’s concept of Nirvana from the get go was actually a hell. ...   One of the reasons it seems that he committed suicide was that the devil was no longer delivering the goods in regard to musical inspiration. ...  God, through his Holy Word, has demonstrated to us that demonic beings are often associated with the instigation of suicide."

The Good Fight Theater 

Kick back in the "Good Fight Ministries" theater, enjoy a virtual Coca-Cola, and learn how the real purpose of much of your favorite music and many of your favorites movies is to lead you straight to hell.  Watch videos about the following:

Musical Acts: NSYNC, Eminem, Ramstein, Korn, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, Snoop Dog, DMX, Tori Amos, 311, Nine Inch Nails, Sarah Mclachlan, ICP, Kurt Cobain, Easy E, Danzig, KMFDM, Madonna, Kid Rock, Slayer, MTV, Metallica, Prince, U2, Iron Maiden, Sting, AC/DC, Kiss, Van Halen, The Eagles, Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, Michael Jackson, Hall & Oats [sic], Fleetwood Mac, Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, David Crosby, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, George Harrison, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, Little Richard, Robert Johnston
Other Satanic Threats (movies, etc.): Transformers, V for Vendetta, Rick Warren’s Forked Tongue, Matrix, Vanilla Sky, Fight Club, Eyes Wide Shut, Pleasantville, The Truman Show, Harry Potter, X-Men, Timothy Leary, Scientology, Aleister Crowley, Gnosticism
Of course, once you've watched all these videos, you'll want to cleanse your music and movie collection in a purifying fire.  But please be patient and use your God-given resources carefully (remember the parable of the ten bridesmaids).   By waiting until you've captured a witch or two and burning them together with those blasphemous CDs and DVDs, you'll save a match.  Sometimes I long for the days of vinyl, when the fires burned brighter and hotter.  Yet again, nowadays, the witches and heretics scream louder and longer -- and that "maketh a joyful noise unto the Lord."

"Good Fight Ministries" is endorsed by:

I almost forgot:

"If you feel that the Lord is leading you to make a contribution to Good Fight Ministries, you may make a tax deductible donation by credit card by choosing one of the amounts listed below, or you can send a check for any amount (payable to Good Fight Ministries) to the following address: Good Fight Ministries P.O. BOX 2202, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93062."


  1. I believe in God, with that said, I refuse to burn my music or movies and stop listening to things I enjoy, this is redicluious, only empnty minds, follow faith blindly, It's one thing to believe in God it's another to force others to stop being themselves and enjoying thier lives because you fear their souls shell be lost.

    so you know I am a music artist, and i write songs when I am sad, I get my inspritation from a spirt that comes to me, in the form of need.

  2. Jesus is the way , the truth and the life. May the above artists see His grace and be saved.

  3. I have struggled with a kind of addiction to certain artists on and off for many years. I also wrote songs & had aspirations in "music".
    Searching for God's saving grace, peace and truth eventually led me to research more whatis behind these artists and also the forces that were acting on me- bigger than me. I now understand that music is a medium - a very powerful medium- where great deceptions can breed... like a sickness, a poison, a prison. There is freedom only in Jesus the Son of God and in His truth. "But for the grace of God go I"
