Of course, there is no doubt that conservative Christian "family values" are indeed pernicious and in many instances have caused life-long psychological trauma, maybe even death. We are more certain of that than we are about the reality of global warming. And that is precisely the point. In much the same way that the shoddy methods and discriminatory practices of a handful of overly zealous environmentalists/ climate scientists have lent credence to those who insist that global warming is a satanic conspiracy (once again, let me make it perfectly clear that the Society Against Theological and Anti-humanistic Nastiness has nothing to do with global warming), stories like the one discussed here undermine our well-intentioned efforts to save the world (and even Christians themselves) from the absurdities and harmful consequences of their ridiculous dogmas (for as they themselves might say: one loves the sinner yet hates the sin).
Consider, for instance, when our lowly CBS scribe writes:
...the ministry's website boasts that the Pearls' first book on how to properly beat children, "To Train Up a Child," has over 450,000 copies in print.The key words here --"properly beat children"-- don't come from the book; they are the words of the scribe himself. Now, had he actually read the book, he would no doubt have been able to find some sentences that support his claims -- instructions, perhaps, on how to properly bless rubber hoses for use in a holy beating. But as it stands, his allegations are wholly unsubstantiated, the kind of thing one might expect from Christians when they talk about the Jews ritually murdering children and desecrating the Host. As for the low-level scribe himself, so great is the damage that he and his ilk might cause the good work of S.A.T.A.N. that one suspects him of acting as a double-agent -- perhaps he's a mole planted by the Discovery Institute or a journalist trained at Liberty University.
Stories like these allow Christians to stand up and shout: Look at this!! We're being unfairly persecuted in the mainstream media!! And they would be right. The Society Against Theological and Anti-humanistic Nastiness doesn't want that; we want Christianity to be persecuted fairly (again, let's differentiate between the sinner and the sin). The absurdity of the Christian faith, the atrocities of its history, the bankruptcy of its ethics -- all of this is well-documented stuff. There's no need to make anything up, no need to be duplicitous.
Having said all this, it is perfectly fair to point our fingers at their rock & roll icons and laugh at their fancy clothes and hair.
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